
Eloquentia Perfecta Glossary


The purpose of this document is to promote a shared language with which to discuss the goals and teaching in Eloquentia Perfecta.
Artifact: a product of student work generated in a course
Abilities: dispositions and skills that students bring to their learning experiences and that will be further advanced and enriched1
Competencies: dispositions and skills that students have developed as a result of their learning experiences and that meet the determined expectations for mastery1
Curiosity: the desire to know more about the world2
Digital Tools: software and devices
Engagement: the investment in and effort directed toward learning, understanding and mastering knowledge and skills2
Open Mindedness: a willingness to consider new ways of being in the world and thinking about the world2


Qualities of Rhetorical Tradition within Eloquentia Perfecta

Rhetoric: good person speaking well; the art of effective expression by means of appropriate language3; a planned activity, adapted to an audience, revealing human motives, that is responsive, and seeks to persuade4
Creativity: the capacity to generate novel, original, clever or ingenious questions, products, solutions, & techniques2
Critical Reflection/Thinking: active, persistent, and careful considerations of any belief or knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it5  
Ethics: acting in ways consistent with what society typically thinks are good values
Inquiry: the process of posing questions/generating hypothesis, gathering and evaluating information6
Persuasion: verbal and non-verbal actions targeted at changing minds, beliefs, and actions
Prudence: practical wisdom gained from experience
Reflection: being cognizant about on-going, past, and future actions; both “looking forward” and “casting backward;” the processes by which we know what we have accomplished and by which we articulate accomplishment, as well as the products of those processes7


 1.  Core competencies transforming curriculum & assessment.

 2.   National Council of Teachers of English and National Writing Project. Framework for
       success in postsecondary writing.
 3.   Merkley, G. (1902).  A modern rhetoric. New York: Newson & Co.
 4.   Herrick, J. (2005). The history and theory of rhetoric: An introduction. Boston: Pearson.
 5.   Dewey, J. (1997). How we think. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, Inc.
 6.   The Art Costa Centre for Thinking. 
 7.    Yancey, K. (1998). Reflection in the writing classroom.
         Logan: Utah State UniversityPress. http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/120/

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